from Virgin Voyages

Who are we?

Team Dawson Travel wants you to have unforgettable travel adventures. 

Adventures your way- the amount of activity is up to YOU.

Woodle 2021

Who are we?

We are here to help you discover the right travel adventure for you and then we do all the legwork to make sure your adventure is unforgettable in a great way. The experience is all about you and what you are looking for. If you want to go on a tour (private or with a group) or you want to set sail on a river or ocean cruise, we will help you find the right destination for you. It is all about communication. 

We have had experiences that include travel by planes, trains, automobiles, and cruise ships. Having sailed on over 50 cruises and from 11 different home ports, so far, we have a lot of personal experience to share with you. We are, of course, always looking for another great adventure to take. In addition to cruises, we have traveled to France, Denmark, China, and more. We use this experience to help you as you discover the right travel adventure for you. All cruise lines and destinations have their own personality and while you may like them all, sometimes one line or destination is a better fit than another, especially as you get immersed into the environment.  


To create unforgettable travel adventures that allow people to experience more of our world. Travel experiences build understanding of other cultures and allows us to see the beauty in our world. 

Why Do I Need A Travel Advisor?

Our Core Values

The goal of Team Dawson Travel is to bring the world to you in the same way it is brought to friends and family.

Listen to your wants and needs. 

Understand what is important to you.

Honestly provide the information you need to make a good decision.

Recommendations will be made on the best value for you with the understanding that the lowest cost option may not provide the value you want.

Sincere desire to help you have your best vacation.

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